Thank you for ruining the growth of my bot, thank you for ruining any chance of my bot getting exposure, thank you for making people literally beg me for help, thank you for giving copy-pasters a chance to create a copy of my bot and gain more exposure than me, Thank you for ruining my perfect week.
About 3 Weeks ago…
I was just scrolling through because I was bored, hoping to find some unique bots. I accidentally game against a calculator bot. This gave me a great idea, I decided to make a powerful “Homework” discord bot that will be capable of image search, solving simple/complex algebraic equations, in-discord calculator, grammar checker, etc. I started working on it and my bot was fully ready within just 2 days. I added it to and it took like 5 days for it to get approved, once it got approved, it blew up and gained over 250 servers within the first 18 hours or something. But problem was, my bot wasn’t yet verified and discord refused to verify it because of “suspicious growth”.

I understand how gaining 250 servers in 1–2 days can be so suspicious, but they said I will have to wait 3+ weeks before I can apply for verification of my bot. 3+ WEEKS!!!.
“Lovely” Discord users
All Discord users are lovely and very kind, they will never insult you for not being able to add your bot, even though you cannot do anything right?

The “very-good” discord support
Discord’s support is the “BEST” and they “ANSWER” every ticket (Yes I am being sarcastic if you cannot figure out). I contacted them and got a response after 2 days saying they cannot manually remove the limit but can transfer the ticket to the bot support team who can speed up the process, I was like “yes, that’s what I want!”.
“Thanks so much for gathering all of that info for me! I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be escalating this ticket to our dev team to look into further.”
This was the last thing I heard from them, it’s been almost 2 weeks and I still haven’t got any follow-up email from discord. People are complaining every day to me.
The conclusion is that discord needs to improve its flagging system.
If you are wondering what my bot is, it’s DomeWork